Occupational Therapy

The word ‘occupation’ in Occupational Therapy is not defined as a job or career – rather it is any activity that an individual needs to do, wants to do, or is expected to do. Occupational Therapists focus on meaningful activities when treating clients and work together with clients to develop client-centered and meaningful goals that relate to their everyday tasks and activities.

What we do

  • Assess and treat clients who have sustained an injury, are experiencing mental health difficulties or are experiencing difficulties with daily life tasks
  • Create meaningful treatment goals in collaboration with the client
  • Supervise OTAs providing treatment to clients and provide appropriate training
  • Provide assessment and treatment in a multitude of domains including cognition, physical abilities, mental health, social skills etc. 

How we help adults

  • Assist individuals with regaining skills after an illness or injury so you can go back to your usual activities at work, home, or school
  • Provide suggestions on adapting tasks or the environment to better match your skills
  • Suggest new techniques, assistive devices or modifications to promote independence in self-care skills like dressing or bathing, meal preparation, homemaking, coping with a busy family schedule
  • Provide both worker and employer with the support needed to adapt at work
  •  Address accessibility and mobility, help people drive again, promote development of social skills and support people to engage and participate in community life

How we help children

OTs can help youth and their families develop the skills they need to thrive in school, and home such as:

  • social and behavioural skills
  • learning to organize better
  • paying attention in class
  • coping with stress or pressure
  • transitioning from one school/grade to another or from school to work
  • learning how to better understand feelings and how to manage them
  • learning how to manage sensory needs

An OT program can also address physical issues, such as:

  • printing and cursive handwriting skills
  • building arm and hand strength
  • learning to dress with modified clothing
  • gym activities to develop coordination and promote program participation


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